For Investors
We have created a Deal Flow network to help you find investment opportunities. Join us and get great Investment Opportunities from leading edge Start-ups to Profitable Mature Businesses
What we bring
Angel Investing
Mentoring & Strategies
Special Advisory Roles
Investment in Naman Angels
Diverse portfolio
With over 450+ start-up database updated regularly, 100+ Technology Business Incubators & Fablabs collaborated for start-up pooling, 150+ Coworking spaces in the network. Naman Angels can provide risk mitigation through diversification
Network of Experts
Learn from the mistakes & experiences of the expert peers!. Get a chance to be in the HALL OF FAME of Investors with maximum Investments
Smaller Bets
Invest smaller amounts starting from INR 200,000 onwards & also oppurtunity to Co-invest with Silicon Valley and other Investors